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September 27, 2014

Click image to further enlarge. What a bang, bang play this was. I was tracking some dogs and as I rounded a curve in the road I noticed a truck parked about a 150 yds down the road. Standing on the back of the truck was one of our lady hunters, Michele Blakely. I heard the dogs coming, full cry, paralleling the road toward us. I didn’t even get out at first. However, when I saw Michele taking aim I grabbed my Browning and got out in a hurry. Michele fired one shot and hollered to a truck around the corner behind me to look out. The buck must have squatted and when the dogs got close he bolted across the road about 50 yds from me. He was flying!! I had to wait for him to get out of the line of fire with Michele before firing two quick shots.I was extremely lucky to get him as two buck shot hit him in the neck and one at the base of his horns. He still went several hundred yds before expiring. Many thanks to the guys who tracked him.